Experiment with adding layers to each day


Build and release pressure in your blood as you move
Make the lowest possible sound
Run your hands over the lower half of your body
Touch the ground with both palms
Make movements as quickly as possible


Use your movements to take up space
Notice your breath in relation to what attracts and repels you
Focus on things you smell, be led by your nose
What are the motivations of your desires? T hirst, hunger, curiosity, temperature, pleasure, fear, comfort, sex?


Pick up an object, drop it, repeat
Gather three objects, drop them, repeat
Design a natural series of movements, large or barely noticeable
Repeat these for as long as they hold your interest, then make a new sequence, repeat


in person collaboration:

just before walking:

Place your left palm over your partner’s right palm & your partner places their left palm over your right palm

on your walk:

Explore specific movements that are tentative- possibilities: turn around while walking, walk non-linearly, shift your weight, start to walk and stop, change course
Synchronize these movements with your partner
Track your exact pathway back home as you can remember it

long distance collaboration:

just before walking:

Make a second one-minute silent phone call (video or audio)
Do not speak, communicate with one another

on your walk:

Plan for another one-minute silent call, intuitively be available to either make or receive the call, see what happens
Explore specific movements that are tentative- possibilities: turn around while walking, walk non-linearly, shift your weight, start to walk and stop, change course
Track your exact pathway back home as you can remember it


Look for a source of water nearby
Try to take some water with you
Use your voice


Focus only on external sounds
Focus only on internal sounds 
Focus on both simultaneously


Before walking make a sound, feel it in your ears and throat, the top of the head
Direct your sound at a wall
Use this sound to identify your distance from the wall
Incorporate your voice as tool for navigation 
Make a melody while you walk